Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Note for the Doldrums

Hello friends!

I hope that your summer is off to a great start! I wanted to share some stuff that's been on my mind the past week as I've been working through the transition from USC to home this summer. Enjoy--
I was reading in the Bible (Numbers 11, Joel 3 and 1 Corinthians 15) this morning, thinking about how insanely powerful the Lord is...
How God provided bread from heaven (manna) for the Israelites as they lived in the desert after they were freed from slavery in Egypt. 
How Jesus rose from the dead and defeated sin, once and for all people who trust in Him.
How Paul killed Christians for telling others about this until God  called him from a destructive life that leads to death to a new life, redeemed and forgiven by the Lord. 
How I, you, we can and do experience this grace daily through Jesus Christ.

It hurts sometimes to think about it, and I don’t always fully grasp it- this grace, this love, this eternal redemption.
Or that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The God that parted the Red Sea or created land is exactly the same God I get to know today.

I think, did I make the right choice? Will God still provide for me? Am I listening to lies? Is God truly making me new? What does it mean that I don’t always comprehend?
It’s easy for me to turn off my emotions, to curl up inside myself and recount my sins, my fears, my insecurities. Over and over and over again.
I learned the hard way just how estranging that can be. So, when I start to feel overwhelmed, I turn to the Bible and specifically look at the promises God gives his children before, during and after Jesus returned to heaven.
God’s Promises
Did I make the right choice?
Will God provide for me?
Am I listening to lies?
Is God truly making me new?
Grace, love and eternal redemption

What I want to tell you is this-
Summer is challenging. I travel back home, surround myself with family, friends, and no routine, and it’s easy for me to become complacent in my faith. It’s easy to choose not to spend time learning about God or reading His promises. I’ve been there and learned that the more distance I put between myself and God’s truth, the more I stumble through the exhausting emptiness of my fears.

I don't have the perfect answer on how to escape from past pains or present doldrums, but I do know this- it's when I return to God’s Word and just read it to learn what’s there, that I find assurance for that day.

If you aren’t like this, then please, praise God! You have been surely blessed!
But if you are, try it. You don’t have to be a theologian or know all of the books of the Bible or do an in-depth study on every verse you find. Just read God’s Word. Read it to know about Him.
Because, truly, who knows us better than the Lord?

Your sister in Christ,

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