Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Season of Giving

With Christmas around the corner and “The Season of Giving” upon us, innate generosity would seem inevitable. However, in the affluent society we live in we are typically bombarded by gifts that overindulge each one of us. With that being said, it’s not a sin to ask or receive presents for Christmas, but your reaction to these blessings should be to praise God! And don’t just praise God, but open your heart and give generously.

Luke 12:33-34 simply says, “Sell your possessions, and give to the needy… For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 

This verse is fairly straightforward and commands us to sell what we have in order to better help those in need. This doesn't necessarily mean we should go out and sell everything we own, but rather to use our resources to give in light of the gospel. When we reach out to others and give, it reaffirms what Jesus did for us on the cross and should further His kingdom, not our own.

If you’re asking yourself why you aren’t more generous it is most likely due to worry; you do not believe that God is powerful enough and loving enough to take care of your needs. This is not intended to guilt-trip you into being more generous, but to open your eyes to objectively discern whether or not you are trusting God with your finances. If we trust Him to take care of our needs we are more likely to give generously to people who need it the most. Also, be reassured that you will be satisfied in Christ and that He knows our needs and is fully able to meet them. 

Luke 12:29 and 31 says, “And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried… Instead seek his kingdom and these things will be added to you.”

This should be invigorating! Jesus tells us that we don’t need to worry, and that He will take care of us in our generosity. If you are unsure of how or where to use your resources, pray about it and ask around and doors will be opened. We have been given such an incredible opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, we just have to realize it. Jesus gave His life for us, if our hearts are truly His, then we will love and care for His people too. Some people even make seemingly radical decisions to not accept gifts on Christmas. 

A friend of mine decided that the Lord and the people around her had already overly blessed her. After praying, she came across a worthy organization and chose to ask her friends and family to sponsor an orphan in India in her name rather than giving her a gift for Christmas. Use this example as encouragement to take action this Christmas season to bless others and focus on how God’s gifts are so incredible. 

I challenge you to ask yourself two questions: “How am I giving generously this year?” and, “Am I giving with the intentions of furthering God’s Kingdom?”

     Written by Kevin Walker of Pi Kappa Alpha 

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